First Minister Alex Salmond has announced that the new Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland will be Professor Muffy Calder. Professor Calder will take up post on 1 March 2012.
Professor Calder, currently Professor of Computing Science and Dean of Research at the University of Glasgow’s College of Science and Engineering, has been appointed following an open competition.
The Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland is an overarching role, championing science as a key driver of the economy, and ensuring the Scottish Government uses science effectively in all policy-making.
Professor Calder will also take up position as the new Co-Chair of the Scottish Science Advisory Council. Her first meeting will be the March meeting due to be held at the University of Glasgow on 6-7 March 2012.
The full Scottish Government press release can be found at the following link -
Media enquiries: Joanne Ward - 0131 2443716