The SSAC is delighted that the Society for General Microbiology (SGM) has elected Professor Nigel Brown as the next SGM President.
Nigel will formally take over from Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott in September 2012, at the Society’s Annual General Meeting.
Professor Brown is currently Senior Vice-Principal at The University of Edinburgh, where he is also Head of Planning, Resources and Research Policy and Professor of Molecular Microbiology. He will retire from this position later this year to focus on his Presidency and other work in science and higher education policy and science communication.
Professor Brown has worked in the fields of molecular genetics and microbiology for over 30 years and has published more than 150 scientific papers. He is former Director of Science and Technology at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) where he had responsibility for the BBSRC science strategy and for competitive grant funding, as well as a number of Research Councils UK activities.
Nigel said, “I am delighted to have been elected as President at such an important time for the Society. We face a number of societal issues, such as new and re-emerging diseases, public access to research information, and the role of science in policy-making, as well as facing many scientific challenges. I hope to work with the membership in addressing these, and to take forward many of
the developments initiated under Hilary Lappin-Scott’s presidency.”
For more information on the Society of General Microbiology please contact:
Laura Udakis, Press and Social Media Officer,
Society for General Microbiology. Tel +44 (0)118 988 1843 Email