SSAC Quarterly Update - Sep 2023

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SSAC Quarterly Update – September 2023

The SSAC provides independent advice, through its Chair, to the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) for Scotland, to inform policy development and delivery across all areas of the Scottish Government’s (SG) work.  It typically develops advice on a medium to long term basis, advising on developments in science and technology and their implications for policy and identifying potential future opportunities and threats. 

Chaired by Professor Maggie Gill from 1 February 2020, the SSAC has 15 other members, including a co-opted member and in addition to the Scottish Government’s Chief Scientific Advisers, all of whom are ex-officio members: Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) for Scotland Professor Julie Fitzpatrick, Chief Scientist (Health) Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak, CSA Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Professor Mat Williams and Chief Social Policy Adviser Professor Linda Bauld.

The SSAC issues a short report following each quarterly meeting to provide an update on its latest work streams and areas of interest. The next SSAC meeting will be in person on 12 December 2023 in Edinburgh.


The Food report is due to be published by the end of October 2023.

The Adaptation report was signed off by SSAC with the final version expected to be available online from mid November 2023.

A meeting has been set with SSAC Science/Policy Interface working group and SG Analytical Leadership Group in November 2023.

The Space Sector project has been agreed and the scoping agreement is available online. A series of fortnightly working group meetings have been scheduled to take forward the project. 


A summary record of all climate change recommendations should be produced from past reports to assist with future projects – this will be published following the completion of the Food and Adaptation projects.

It was agreed to look at SSAC’s use of social media platforms going forward.

There were suggestions to look at other potential projects to take forward including Offshore Wind and Emerging Technologies/AI.


The current Chair of the SSAC and two other members will step down at the end of their extended terms on 30 November 2023.

A new Chair of the SSAC will take up post on 1 November 2023 to allow for a handover with the existing Chair.

The terms of appointment for two Associate members have been extended by a further 12 months with the unanimous support of the Council.

The co-opted member term is coming to an end on 30 November 2023 and will be reviewed by the new Chair.

For further information, please contact the SSAC Secretariat team at:

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