SSAC Quarterly Update - Mar 2021

SSAC Quarterly Update - Mar 2021.pdf

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SSAC Quarterly Update – March 2021

The SSAC provides independent advice, through its Chair, to the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) for Scotland, to inform policy development and delivery across all areas of the Scottish Government’s (SG) work. It typically develops advice on a medium to long term basis, advising on developments in science and technology and their implications for policy and identifying potential future opportunities and threats. 

Chaired by Professor Maggie Gill from 1 February 2020, the SSAC has 11 other members, in addition to the Scottish Government’s Chief Scientific Advisers, all of whom are ex-officio members: Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) for Scotland Professor Sheila Rowan, Chief Scientist (Health) Professor David Crossman, CSA Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Professor Andrew Millar and Chief Social Policy Adviser, Professor Carol Tannahill.

The SSAC issues a short report following each quarterly meeting to provide an update on its latest work streams and areas of interest. The SSAC held its last meeting on 3 March 2021 by video conference.

The next SSAC meeting is scheduled for July 2021.


Geospatial Knowledge – effective use of geospatial data in Scotland.  This project is nearing completion.

Sustainable Chemicals Note – an updated 2-3 page briefing note is nearing completion.

SSAC Hydrogen sub-group continues to engage with Scottish Government (SG) policy leads and will be providing a short report prior to the publication of the SG hydrogen action plan.


The SSAC Climate Change sub-group has been expanded to address suitable work to take forward in light of the UK Climate Change Committee report published in December 2020.

3.   COP26 – Opportunities for SSAC

Joint activities by SSAC council members, RSE  and SAGES in the lead up to COP26 in November 2021 include producing two short interview videos will be published on the RSE YouTube channel and SSAC website per month in the run up to the event to help highlight Scottish research and science and its contribution to understanding/ tackling climate change. 

3.   Membership news

This was the last meeting of SSAC to be attended by the CSA Scotland, Professor Sheila Rowan.  Her term as CSA ends mid-June; her successor will be announced in due course. 

For further information, please contact the SSAC Secretariat team at:

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